The Allow Public Rental Adjustments option lets public users adjust their reservation(s) at a facility. You can also create a Public Adjustment/Cancellation fee.
Important Notes
- Internal staff will not receive a notification email when a public user adjusts their reservation online.
- Public Rental Adjustments cannot be made if a discount is attached to the facility reservation.
- You must also Allow Online Reservations for a facility in order for a public user to be able to make rental adjustments.
- Navigate to Facilities > Facility List
- Expand a Location
- Choose a Facility to edit
- Navigate to Rental Options
- Make sure the Online Rental Mode is set to Allow Online Reservations
- Check Allow Public Rental Adjustments
- If needed, set a Rental Adjustment Time Frame
- Note: This will attach a time frame restriction to the rental adjustment policy for the public user. Public users will not be able to adjust reservations within the specified number of days.
- Click Save Facility
Let us know what was helpful or not helpful about the article.4 comments
Looking for where I can chose whether a guest gets a refund or a credit when doing an adjustment on their account
I believe they automatically get a credit if they adjust on their end.
Is there a guide from the public's point of view? Staff will be expected to be able to walk customers through how to cancel/adjust a rental.
I have the same question as kevin davis. I can't effectively guide clients because I don't know how to adjust rentals from their view either. A guide would be very helpful.
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