User Flag Discounts only apply to users with the specified flag. They are often used for employee discounts, you can flag your employees and configure this discount to the flag.
Important Note
- User flags must be attached to individual users in order for this discount to apply. Adding a flag to the entire account will not associate the flag to the user and will result in the discount not applying properly.
- Navigate to Configuration > Financial Settings > Discounts
- Click Create Discount
- Add a Discount Name
- Select User Flag Discount from the Discount Type drop-down menu
- Choose the User Flag you wish to associate with the discount
- Note: View information on how to Create a Flag.
- Fill out the remaining fields
- One Time Discount: This option will be checked automatically to indicate that the discount can only be used once per checkout
- Exclusive Discount: Check if you do not want this discount to be combined with other discounts; other discounts will be removed when this discount is added
- In House: Select to indicate if the discount is only available internally
- Online: Check to make this discount available online
- Applies To: Choose if this discount applies to Anyone Who Registers, Non-Residents Only, or Residents Only
- Default Amount: Enter the default discount amount, either in dollar or percentage format
- Default GL Code: Select the applicable General Ledger code from the drop-down menu
- Instructor Applicable: Include this discount in instructor fees when using a percentage of registration fees
- Auto-Billing Applicable: Click this checkbox to determine whether this discount is included in recurring auto-billing charges for memberships
- Click Save New Discount
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