This article will walk through how you can set up and rent Tennis Courts as facilities.
- Create a Tennis Court Location
- Note: On the Settings tab, we recommend choosing Grid as the Facility Display Mode to give more visibility into the open times for each court.
- Note: On the Settings tab, we recommend choosing Grid as the Facility Display Mode to give more visibility into the open times for each court.
- Create facilities for each Tennis Court
- Note: If numbering your tennis courts, make sure to use 01, 02, 03, etc. in the Facility Name so that the facilities display in numerical order
- Add a Rate Type for each facility
- Note: If a Rate Type is not created, the facility will not appear on the Catalog.
- If you allow for half-court rentals, you can configure child facilities
- If needed, create and assign a Time Fee addon for lights
- If desired, create a Facility Map of the tennis courts
- You can add a new Catalog tab for your Tennis Courts
- You will now be able to rent Tennis Courts from the catalog
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