Within CivicRec, there are several configurable options based on how your organization would like to display gender fields.
An organization option is available to Use Inclusive Gender Options within CivicRec.
When this setting is enabled, users will have two new options to select when creating or editing an account.
- Non-Binary: If selected, users can enter a free-text value of their gender.
- Prefer Not To Say: If the organization option is enabled to require gender, this option will not be displayed as an option.
- To change the existing field on the account profile navigate to Configuration > Organization > Organization Options
- Search for and locate the Account Holder Gender and Gender Field for User Accounts settings
- For Account Holder Gender, select Optional or Hidden from the drop-down
- Choose Display Field as Optional or Don't Display for the Gender Field for User Accounts setting
- Click Save Settings
You can add additional gender options through custom fields.
- Change the Account Holder Gender organization option to Hidden and Gender Field for User Accounts to Don't Display
- Navigate to Configuration > Organization > Custom User Fields
Create a Custom User Field
Example Session with Inclusive Gender Options
Note: Non-Binary will show as an option if you have enabled Inclusive Gender Options.
Example Session with a Required Gender Field
Example Session with Gender as a Suggested Criteria
Note: If any session has gender-specific requirements, you might consider changing the activity name to reflect your requirement or suggestion since it will no longer be a criterion for eligibility.
For additional assistance, please view our articles on creating activities and sessions.
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