This article will show you how to restrict scholarships to be used only with specific classes or sessions.
Important Notes
- Selecting classes/sessions will restrict the scholarship to those activities only. If no restrictions are selected, the scholarship can be used with any activity.
- Activities need to have categories assigned in order for them to appear in the Sessions list when Adding a Restriction
- Navigate to Configuration > Financial Settings > Scholarships
- Edit the Scholarship you want to add restrictions to
- Navigate to the Class/Session Restrictions tab
- Click Add/Update Restrictions
- Fill in fields
- Max Percentage: Enter the maximum percentage of the program fee that will be used
- Sessions: Select which sessions/classes to apply the restriction to
- Note: New eligible sessions will need to be added to the restriction list, they will not automatically be added when created.
- Click Add Selected Sessions
- Click Save Scholarship at the bottom of the page
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