This article will show you how to adjust individual reservations in a Permit that has already been billed out. Due to financial impact, billed-out reservations must be adjusted individually.
- Navigate to Facilities > Permits
- Next to the Permit #, select to either Create a New Permit or Lookup an existing permit
- Create New Permit: View our article Create a Facility Permit for more information
- Lookup Existing Permit
- Customer Name: Lookup the account
- Date Range: Enter a date range
- Search: Click Search
- Results
- Select your Permit
- Select your Permit
- In the right-hand-side Preview, click the Adjust tool (pencil icon) for the individual reservation you need to adjust
- Fill out Rental Adjustment fields
- Date/Time: Displays current date and time
- Facility: Choose the facility
- Rate Type: Choose a rate type
- Adjustment Notes: Add any relevant notes
- Amount Paid/Unpaid Balance/Account Credit: Displays financial status
- New Date: Create a new date
- New Times: Create a new To and From time frame
- New Fee: Displays the new fee
- Fee Override: Select and enter a dollar amount to override the fee
- Change in Balance: Will automatically calculate the change in balance
- Change in Credit: Will automatically calculate the change in credit
- Fill out Basic Details fields
- Date/Time: Displays current date and time
- Color: Use the color palette or enter HTML code to select a color
- Custom Event Title: Enter a custom event title
- Status: Choose On hold, Pending, Reserved, or Tentative
- Rental Notes: Add any relevant notes
- Choose a save option
- For Rental Adjustment: Click Perform Rental Adjustment
- For Basic Details: Click Save Rental Details
- For Rental Adjustment: Click Perform Rental Adjustment
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