This article will show you how to contact an account holder. This will allow you to send a message, file, or receipt to any account holder's email address.
- Search for and select a user
- Under Account Actions, select Contact Account Holder
- Fill in the information fields
- From: Choose your email address
- To: Auto-fills with the primary account holder's email address
- Cc: Click the checkbox(es) to send to any of your other email addresses
- Subject: Enter a subject heading
- Message: Enter your message content
- Balance Due: Click Include a "Pay Balance Due" link for balances due by if desired
- Date: Enter the date for the day the balance is due
- Attach File: Click Choose File to browse your computer and attach a file
- Attach Receipt: Click the Attach Receipt link to open a menu of available receipts to attach
- Note: Select the checkbox to attach the receipt
- Click Send Email
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