The View/Set GL tool allows a user to search for a transaction and see how it appears in the GL. If the user wants to adjust the GL entries, they have two options: Manually Set GL and Auto-Generate GL.
- Manually Set GL: This step should typically not be necessary but is useful if there is an underlying problem with the transaction that prohibits CivicRec from setting the proper codes automatically. In that case, the user can force the GL entries as long as they manually set the entries in a way that balances debits and credits.
- Auto Generate GL: This process automatically tells CivicRec to clear the codes on that transaction and reset them according to the system settings configured above. This step is useful if the user has corrected a known configuration issue. (e.g. an Item that previously did not have a revenue code). If the user takes steps to adjust the GL configuration, regenerate the GL to tell CivicRec to reset the transaction according to those new settings.
- Navigate to Configuration > Financial Settings > GL Configuration
- Select the View/Set GL tab, enter a Transaction ID, and press Enter on your keyboard
- View ledger information for the receipt and make any changes, as needed
- Show Receipt: Click to view the actual receipt
- Manually Set GL: Click to manually set the GL
- Effective Date: Adjust the date
- GL Code: Enter a different GL Code
- Debit/Credit: Adjust debit/credit amounts
- [Click to add Additional Row]: Click to add more rows/information
- Update General Ledger: Click this button for either Payment or Revenue Row(s) to update the information
- Auto-Generate GL: Only use if there is an underlying problem with the transaction that prohibits CivicRec from setting the proper codes automatically; click OK to auto-generate
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