Catalog Tabs are a way to organize your categories, activities, facilities, and Point of Sale screens by color and type; these feed to the catalog. Tags group things together to make navigation easier for users.
This article will show you how to create a Catalog Tab. Reference the Order the Activity List article to set how the activities will display in the catalog tab.
- Navigate to Configuration > Public View > Catalog Tabs
- Click Create Catalog Tab
- Fill in Appearance fields
- Tab Label: Create the tab name
- Tab Color: Use the color palette, or insert an HTML code, to select a color
- Show Internal: Check to show the tab on the internal catalog
- Restrict to Locations: Choose none or use the drop-down to only show at the selected locations
- Show Public: Check to display the tab on the public catalog
- Public Page Layouts: Select the desired layouts
- Insert Tab Content
- Note: Information added to the Tab Content field will not display on the mobile view of CivicRec.
- Choose a Tab Type
- Drop-In: Use for check-ins on the day of the event
- Merchandise: Use for merchandise items
- Merchandise on Tab: Choose the POS Screen(s) you want your items to appear on
- Registration: Select for activity registrations
- Activities on Tab: Choose the Categories, Locations, and Age Group to include
- Note: If specific locations are selected, sessions without schedules will not display on the tab.
- Activity Tags: Add tags for the activity
- Activities on Tab: Choose the Categories, Locations, and Age Group to include
- Rentals: Choose for facility rentals
- Locations on Tab: Choose the locations you wish to display on this tab
- Facility Tags: Add any relevant facility tags
- If desired, select Access Groups
- Note: If you select an access group from this drop-down, the public will not be able to view the tab, even if you select the Show Public option.
- Scroll to the bottom and click Save New Catalog Tab
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