This article will show you how to edit a Session.
- Navigate to Activities > Activity List
- Expand an Activity
- Select Edit Session (pencil icon) next to the desired session
- Make your modifications
- Basics
- Code, Name: Enter a session code and/or name
- Activity (required): Select an activity from the drop-down list
- Program Period: To better organize Class Sessions, use the Registration Period drop-down to create session periods
- Session Fee: Base fee for the session, not including add-ons or discounts
- Age Requirements: Select minimum and maximum ages for the session
- Note: If a cutoff date is specified, age restrictions are determined based on that day.
- Gender: Specify if the session is only open to one sex
- Note: If you have enabled the Inclusive Gender Options setting, Non-Binary will show as an option here.
- Min./Max. Grade: Open to students of a specific grade level, if desired
- Registration Dates: Dictates when registration becomes available and/or closes
- Note: Blank dates here will not restrict the start and/or end time for registration.
- Note: We do have the option to differentiate between resident and non-resident registration dates.
- Non-Resident Registration: Dictates when registration becomes available for non-residents (if later than resident dates)
- Advanced
- Advanced Settings: Will be the same for all sessions
- Program Status: Default is Active
- Note: If you wish to cancel an Active session, select Cancelled.
- Waiting List: Select to allow a wait list to enable once max participation is met
- Allow Online Reg: Make an activity available online
- Hide from Online Viewers: Hide the individual session completely from online viewers
- Participants: Indicate the min/max numbers allowed per session, if applicable
- Extra Days Display: Allow "x" amount of days past registration for the session to still display with a note that reads "Registration Has Ended"
- Allow Multiple Quantities: Allows someone to register for more than one of the same class in the same cart for the same person
- Residency Restrictions: Select if the session is available to only residents, non-residents, or both
- Prerequisite Behavior: Choose to require all or one prerequisite(s)
- Note: Require One behavior is ignored when daily or weekly pricing is enabled.
- Prerequisite Sessions: Requires users to complete other activities in the system
- Note: This may be useful if you want participants to pay an Annual Fee and/or Annual Insurance, or to force a participant to complete a prior activity in a step-based activity progression.
- Note: The prerequisite activity must already exist in CivicRec.
- Volunteer Opportunity: Indicates this session is a volunteer opportunity and will list this volunteer opportunity and roster under the Volunteer Management screen
- Tax Deductible: Flag this session to display as Tax Deductible for reporting purposes
- Program Status: Default is Active
- Survey Settings: Will be the same for all sessions
- Survey Template: Select a template for a possible survey
- Survey Timing: Choose when the survey goes to the users
- Other Settings: Will vary from session to session, based on the session type
- Advanced Settings: Will be the same for all sessions
- Pricing
- Session Fee: Base fee for the session, not including add-ons or discounts
- Per Session Fee (optional): Calculates a new session fee based upon a per day fee
- Drop-in Fee: Base fee for drop-ins
- Allow Pay Later: Allows customer's to pay the balance at a later time
- Taxes: Select a tax rate from the drop-down to assign taxes to this session
- Note: Check Price Includes Tax if you would like tax and session fee to be combined in public view.
- GL Codes: Assign a GL Code to this session
- Add-ons and Discounts: Apply either an addon and/or discount to the session
- Prompts
- Waivers: Select waivers to add to the session
- Attachments: Choose existing attachments
- Prompts: Assign a prompt
- Tags: Add item tags
- Description: Enter additional session-specific details
- Receipt: Enter notes to appear on the receipt for this session
- Daily Pricing: Allows the manual creation of activity schedules based upon set prices for specific dates and acts as a drop-in activity
- Configure Daily Pricing
- Adjust Daily Pricing
- Bulk Add Daily Pricing Sessions
- Remove a Daily Price
- Note: Only available for Programs/Classes and Camps & Afterschool activity types.
- Note: If Daily Pricing is enabled, waitlist options will not be available.
- Schedule
- Registration Dates: Dictates when registration becomes available and/or closes
- No End Date: Check if you do not wish to have an end date for registration
- Note: Blank dates here will not restrict the start and/or end time for registration.
- Note: We do have the option to differentiate between resident and non-resident registration dates.
- Note: Sessions without a schedule added will expire based on the registration end date. To prevent the session from auto-expiring when there is no schedule, click the No End Date checkbox.
- Non-Resident Registration Dates: Dictates when registration becomes available for non-residents (if later than resident dates)
- Member Reg Open: Enables early registration dates for members of specified packages
- Facility Note: Enter any notes for the facility
- Schedules: Add a schedule for the session
- Additional Dates: Select and enter Facility Location, Date, and From/To times
- Excluded Dates: Select date(s) to exclude from the schedule
- Registration Dates: Dictates when registration becomes available and/or closes
- Access
- Admin and Instructor: Enter the name and select whether the system will notify them of any registration activity for the session
- Required Flags: Select which flag (that has been previously configured) is required for either your participant/or family to have assigned
- Links: Displays links to the catalog and a QR code, if available
- Payment Plan: Create a payment plan
- Log: Add a Note
- Note: Other sessions may have different tabs, depending on the configuration.
- Basics
- Select Save Session at the bottom of the page
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