This process will show you how to make a partial payment towards a balance that is due soon. The remaining balance will still be owed on the account.
Important Note
- This process is for internal staff only, public users will have to pay the full amount due unless invoiced for a lesser amount or if a payment plan was applied.
- Search and select the user account that needs to make a payment
- Click Due Soon
- Select Make Payment
- Configure the filters
- Note: Since these items are due soon, they may not appear in the default view. Apply filters to view your items.
- Filter by Receipt #: Enter the receipt number
- Filter By Permit #: Enter permit number
- Due Date From/Due Date To: Enter a timeframe to view due date results
- Event Date From/Event Date To: Enter a timeframe to view event results
- Click Apply Filters
- Select the desired item(s)
- Click Pay Selected Balance(s)
- Respond to any Prompts or Waivers (will vary based on setup)
- Change the amount in the Price box for the line item
- Note: The remaining balance after adjusting the Price above will still be owed on the account.
- Under Add Payment, select a payment method
- Enter the payment information
- Amount: Input partial payment amount
- Memo: Add additional comments
- Payer Account: Should read the user's account
- Overpayment: Indicate if this is an overpayment
- Note: Other information, such as credit card information, may be available, depending on the Payment Type.
- Click Add [TYPE] Payment
- Ensure that the Total Charges and Convenience Fee match the Payments amount; edit the individual item Prices to match the Payments amount
- Select Complete Transaction
- View the receipt including the remaining account balance
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