This article may help you troubleshoot some Drop-In issues.
If you click Create Session immediately after you create the Activity, the system may take a few minutes to refresh and load appropriately. Wait and try again.
You will not be able to save the Drop-In Session without a GL Code.
Your Drop-In Activity will not appear in the Catalog until you associate it with a Facility.
You must be logged into the same location as what is set in the Facility Schedule. For example, if A.G. Wright Baseball Field is selected as the facility on the schedule, you must be in the A.G. Wright Middle School location. Learn how to Change Your Location.
Additionally, you must select the current day to see the drop-in in the Catalog. For example, if today is Thursday, you must select Thursday to view the drop-in session. Otherwise, you will have to wait for the next available day to see the drop-in.
Yes, instructors will be paid for drop-ins.
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