This article will show you how to run a Credit Card Test Transaction
Important Note
- Prior to testing a credit card transaction, you will need to ensure a payment gateway has been configured within your CivicRec Instance. Here is a list of our Integrated Gateways.
- Make sure you wait until a receipt is produced after every transaction. This goes for both you and your customers. Recreation Management works with your payment gateway to initiate payment online through a hosted form. This is the form customers fill out and enter their card info when purchasing anything online, whether it is through Recreation Management or another online website.
- If customers click the pay button multiple times, they may very well end up with multiple charges on their card.
Internal Transaction
- Instal card readers and any necessary drivers (if applicable). See the Gateway Hardware Overview for gateway-specific requirements.
- Login to Recreation Management
- Navigate to Catalog
- Enter a Test Account in the Account field
- From the Catalog select an item and click Add to Cart
- Click the Checkout button
- On the payment screen click Credit/Debit
- Click Continue to Payment
- Fill out the Payment Information and Click the Pay button
- Copy down the Transaction ID from the Recreation receipt and/or email the receipt to yourself
- The next day refund the transaction from the Transaction Browser
Note: You may also have the ability to run a hand-keyed transaction on the internal side. To do this, select the use hand key option on the payment screen. You’ll need to determine which users have access to this feature. Review the Configure Hand Key Card article to configure these permissions.
Public Transaction
- Login to Recreation Management
- Use the Account Menu in the top right-hand corner to Switch to Public View
- Navigate to the Catalog
- Add an item to your cart
- Click the Checkout button
- Click Continue to Payment or Submit Payment if you have a saved card option
- Input your credit/debit card information and click Pay
- Copy down the Transaction ID from the Recreation receipt and/or email the receipt to yourself for future reference
- Click the Internal button to navigate back to the internal view
- The next day, refund the transaction from the Transaction Browser
Prompt Example (Optional)
Make a Mandatory Agreement Prompt that is displayed Per Cart. View the Create a Prompt Article.
- The prompt should instruct people that when they enter their credit card information and click pay, they should not close or refresh their browser and only click the pay button once until they see a receipt from Recreation Management on their device.
- For Example: “When paying with a credit card, do not refresh your browser, click back, or close your screen until you receive a receipt from Recreation Management. On a mobile device, you will be prompted to enter your credit card information and click Submit Payment. On the next screen, you must click Complete Transaction to finalize your purchase. If you do not receive a receipt from Recreation Management, please contact (your chosen email address) with your contact information and what you purchased.”
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