This article explains how to set up surcharges for a payment type. Utilizing Surcharges in CivicPlus Recreation Management allows the agency to add a percentage and/or dollar amount to what they are charging the customer. This allows the agency to collect extra from the customer to offset payment gateway charges.
Important Note
Creating a surcharge in Recreation Management will not result in a 100% recovery of payment gateway service fees. When charging a surcharge within Recreation Management for Debit/Credit/ACH payments, the cost of the item plus the surcharge is sent to your payment gateway as a grand total. The payment gateway calculates their transaction fee on top of this total.
For example, if a class registration is $100 and your agency has a surcharge of 2% the customer would pay a $2 surcharge for a total of $102.
In turn, the payment gateway would then charge their service fees (for example 2%) for a total of $102. In that case, the total payment gateway service charge that you, the agency, owe the payment gateway would be $2.04. This is not a complete recovery (loss of $0.04) but charging a convenience fee in Recreation Management will help to offset payment gateway service fees.
- Sign in to Recreation Management
- Navigate to Configuration, then Financial Settings, and select Payment Types
- Edit the payment type you wish to add a surcharge to
- Adjust the surcharge settings
- Surcharge ($): Add the dollar amount for surcharges
- Surcharge (%): Enter a percentage for surcharges
- Min. Surcharge: Enter a minimum dollar amount for surcharges
- Applies Over: A surcharge is applied if the charge to the payment type is at least this amount
- Surcharge GL (General Ledger) code: Select the GL cod for surcharges
- Surcharge In-House: Applies an in-house surcharge
- Surcharge Online: Applies an online surcharge
- Click the Save Payment Type button
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