See our article General Ledger Accounting Guide for relevant background information, if needed.
There are multiple things that could be incorrect when you configure General Ledger (GL) settings:
- Option 1: Your payment totals from the Transaction Report do not match your payment account on the GL.
- Make sure you add only the columns from the Transaction Report that map to the Payment Account in the GL. In our example, we only map Cash, Check, and Credit/Debit, so we want to be sure we only tally those (or filter to those) when you compare the reports.
- Make sure each of you assigns a GL to each of your Payment Types.
- Option 2: On the GL Summary, your Debits do not match your Credits or there is a line on the report that says Unitemized.
These two problems tell us that we receive money in CivicRec, but the system does not know what GL to assign the revenue.
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