This article will describe the Print, Export, Email, Schedule, Custom, and Communication features of Reports.
Important Note
- Not all reports will have all available features.
Select the printer icon to print the report
- Note: Make sure to test your printer settings with a small report before you print multiple pages.
Export Spreadsheet
Click the spreadsheet icon to export as an excel spreadsheet
- Normal Export: Includes sections and tallies
- Raw Export: Includes all data without sections and tallies
Email Report
Select the letter icon to email a report
- Email Report To: Input email recipient(s)
- Email Lookup: Search for email addresses
- Include Report: Choose to include the report as body content or as a download link in the email
- Note: The download link is unique for the report file and requires login credentials to the internal side of CivicRec. If the user is already logged into CivicRec when clicking the link, the report will automatically download.
Automate Reports on a Schedule
Select the calendar icon to set up a report to run automatically
- Schedule: Select from Daily, Weekly, or Monthly automatic reports
- Start Date/Time & End Date: Select Start Date and End Date (optional)
- Include Report: Choose to include the report as body content in the email or as a download link
- Note: The download link is unique for the report file and requires login credentials to the internal side of CivicRec. If the user is already logged into CivicRec when clicking the link, the report will automatically download.
- Email Report To: Input email recipients
- Email Lookup: Search for email addresses
- Auto Dates: Determines the date range used, relative to the time the report is run
Save Custom Reports
Select the disc icon to save a custom report
- Last Updated: Date of last modification to report
- Report Title: Modify the report title
- Who Can See It?: Choose from viewable only by you or viewable for the whole staff
- Description: Brief description of the report
- Current Location: Check if the report is for the current location
- Save Changes: Click to save modifications to report
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