This article will show you how to complete a transfer for a participant to a different activity or session. When transferring, you can only transfer between the same Activity Types. For example, if you are transferring from a Program/Class Activity Type, the target activity/session must also be a Program/Class Activity Type.
Important Notes
- Transfers are not supported for Membership activity types or Leagues configured as team registration.
- If transferring from one ticketed event to another, the original ticket will be deleted from the original roster and a new ticket number is generated for the new event.
- Search for and select a user account
- Select Voids, Transfers, & Refunds
- Navigate to the Activities tab
- Configure any desired Filters
- Account Member: Select a member from your account
- Date Filter: Select Transaction From and Transaction To dates
- Receipt Number: Enter a receipt number, if applicable
- Enrollment Status: Show Active and/or Inactive
- Click Refresh Results
- Locate the participant you would like to transfer to a different activity and select Actions > Transfer
- Configure fields
- Original Activity/Session: This is auto-filled with the activity you are transferring from
- Participants: Shows the participant you are transferring
Target Activity/Session: Enter the new session that the participant will transfer into
Note: You can only transfer between the same Activity Types. For example, if you are transferring from a Program/Class Activity Type, the target Activity/Session must also be a Program/Class Activity Type.
Note: If transferring from one ticketed event to another, the original ticket will be deleted from the original roster and a new ticket number is generated for the new event.
New Session Price: Indicates the cost the customer will pay for the new session they are being transferred to
Note: If they pay the full cost, input the full cost. If sessions are an even trade ($10 for $10) then the new session fee would be $10 to make the balance and credit of the transfer of $0.
- Eligibility Override: Apply if the participant does not fit the eligibility of the new activity
- Enrollment Override: Use when the session is full or if the enrollment time has passed
- Note: Enter additional information
- Select Preview Transfer
- Review the Transfer Preview at the bottom of the screen and select Complete Transfer
Note: The system will automatically resolve any price differences between the two activities.
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