In CivicRec, Discounts attach to various conditional fee discounts, such as local-resident discounts, early registration discounts, manual/custom discounts, program registrations, or facility rentals.
Important Note
- Discounts do not apply to addons and will calculate only the main line item by default.
- Navigate to Configuration > Financial Settings > Discounts
- Click the Create Discount button
- Fill out Discount Settings
- Note: When you change the Discount Type, the fields will automatically change as well.
- Discount Name: Add a name for the discount
Discount Type: Select one of the following discount types from the drop-down
- Age Discount: Create a discount based on a specified age limit
- Coupon Discount: Set up a coupon code to give your users to enter upon checkout
- Custom Discount: Customize the discount configuration
- Early Registration Discount: Reward users who register early for a session
- Family Discount: Use for family members or multiple registrations for the same user
Local Resident Discount: Often used for customers who fall in the resident category, dependent on where they live
- Note: This can be added to facility rentals or activities. The discount will populate accordingly if the customer is listed as a resident in the system.
- Membership/Activity Discount: Often used for members that are being offered a discount on another activity registration for having currently been registered for a membership or other qualifying activity
Pro-Rated Discount: Use for customers who register late for a session
- Note: When the registration takes place, the system will discount based on the cost of the activity and the sessions assigned the discount.
- Prompt Discount: Provide a discount based on a user's answer to a Yes/No prompt
Quantity Discount: Use the Applies Over and Applies Under settings to provide discounts to a certain number of registrations within the same session.
- Note: This discount is only for sessions that have the Allow Multiple Quantities Settings Turned on.
- User Flag Discount: Only applies to users with the specified flag, often used for employee discounts; flag your employees and configure this discount to the flag
- One Time Discount: This option will be checked automatically to indicate that the discount can only be used once per checkout
- Exclusive Discount: Check if you do not want this discount to be combined with other discounts; other discounts will be removed when this discount is added
- In House: Select to indicate if the discount is only available internally
- Online: Check to make this discount available online
- Applies To: Choose if this discount applies to Anyone Who Registers, Non-Residents Only, or Residents Only
- Default Amount: Enter the default discount amount, either in dollar or percentage format
- Default GL Code: Select the applicable General Ledger code from the drop-down menu
- Instructor Applicable: Include this discount in instructor fees when using a percentage of registration fees
- Auto-Billing Applicable: Click this checkbox to determine whether this discount is included in recurring auto-billing charges for memberships
- Select Save New Discount
Let us know what was helpful or not helpful about the article.1 comment
Is there a way to archive a discount similar to how you can archive a POS item? Even though I've removed the sessions the discount is associated with, because there have been prior transactions (years ago) that used that discount, I cannot delete the discounts we no longer use. Thank you,
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