Organization Options allow you and your staff to configure certain Recreation Management settings and preset requirements to better suit your organization. This article walks through the definitions of each setting as well as best practices.
Important Notes
- Changing organization options may alter the functionality of your system. If you are unsure about a setting, please contact your Project Manager or Support for guidance.
- There are Super Admin organization options that only CivicPlus staff have access to such as enabling Document Management and Autobilling. If you have questions about a setting that you do not see listed here, please contact Support.
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Navigation Instructions
- Navigate to the Configurations tab, select Organization, and then select Organization Options
- Scroll or use the search to configure applicable settings
Note: View a list of all settings and definitions below
- Scroll to the bottom and select Save Settings to save any changes
Settings Definitions
Provided below are definitions for all of the Organization Options settings that are available to admins.
General Settings for Definitions
- Force Public Users to be Non-Residents: Will automatically set any public user accounts as a non-resident. This setting only impacts public users who make their accounts or make edits from the public side. This setting does not affect accounts created or edited on the internal side.
- Require Email from Public Users as Login: Set to make an email required for public users to log in (v2.0 only)
- Allow Google/Facebook Login: This allows for Recreation Management to connect with Google and Facebook for the public to use the same information to log in to the system
Require Password Change for Staff Every 90 Days: If enabled, the system prompts the staff to change their password every 90 days
Note: This does not apply to CivicPlus Single Sign-On accounts.
- Require Account Holder to be Adult: If enabled, the system would require primary account holders to be 18 years or older
- Account Holder Birthdate: Choose to make the Date of Birth field a requirement, optional, or hidden for the primary account holder. The alternate option would be Verified Age. The actual date of birth is important if classes are age-restricted.
- Account Member Birthdate: This setting requires an account dependent's birthday to be entered. The actual date of birth should be required if activities are age-restricted.
- Account Holder Gender: Choose to make the Gender field required, optional, or hidden for account holders
- Grade Requirement: Specify if users need to enter a school grade when creating an account. You can make sessions available only to students of a specific grade level if desired.
- Use Inclusive Gender Options: Enable this setting to give users the "Non-Binary" and "Prefer Not to Say" options when creating or editing an account.
- Allow User Pronouns: When this setting is enabled, users will have the ability to indicate their pronouns on their accounts
- County Field for User Accounts: Select if and how you would like the County field to display on user accounts
- County Field Type: Choose if the County field will be a text field or a drop-down menu on user accounts. Drop-down options will pull from the Counties/Parishes tab of the Local Resident Criteria.
- Allow Out-Of-Country Addresses: Select whether or not you will allow addresses from other countries to be entered on accounts
- Default City/State/Zip to Local for new User Accounts: Select if you would like to set the system to default to the local settings for City, State, and Zip
- Gender Field for User Accounts: Choose to make the Gender field for dependent accounts required, optional, or hidden. If activities are gender-required, this should be enabled.
- Youth Min Age: If using the Verified Age organization option, set the minimum age for Youth
- Youth Max Age: If using the Verified Age organization option, set the maximum age for Youth
- Adult Min Age: If using the Verified Age organization option, set the minimum age for Adults
- Adult Max Age: If using the Verified Age organization option, set the maximum age for Adults
- Senior Min Age: If using the Verified Age organization option, set the minimum age for Seniors
- Senior Max Age: If using the Verified Age organization option, set the maximum age for Seniors
- Max Session Time (Minutes): Set in minutes, how long until an inactive system session times out and requires a user to log back in (must be between 15 and 240 minutes)
- Show Recently Viewed Accounts: Enable or disable the "Recently Viewed Accounts" section on the Accounts tab
- PO Boxes: Select to allow PO Box addresses on accounts
- Phone 1 for User Accounts: Set a first phone number as optional or required on user accounts
- Phone 2 for User Accounts: Set a second phone number as optional or required on user accounts
- Verified Age - Alternate to DOB in User Accounts: As an alternative to date of birth for user accounts, you can use this feature. Be sure to select the minimums and maximums for those age groups.
- Restrict DOB Editing for Public Users: Restrict or allow public users to edit their date of birth on their account
- Restrict Grade Editing for Public Users: Restrict or allow public users to edit their grade after their account has been created
- Restrict Address Editing for Public Users: Choose whether or not to allow public users to edit their address
- Automatically increment grades each year: Enable the system to automatically increase the grade each year, and select when it should start
- General Ledger Accounting: Enable General Ledger Accounting modules
General Ledger Accounting Method: Select whether your organization uses accrual or cash accounting
- Partial Activity Revenue Deferral: Choose to partially defer revenue of programs that start before, and end after, the fiscal year-end
- Overpayment Revenue Code: Select a GL revenue code for overpayments on a transaction
- Only Session Admins May Edit: Choose to only allow admins on a session to make changes
- GL Required for Activities: Choose to make GL codes optional or required when creating an activity
- GL Required for Sessions: Make GL codes optional or required for sessions
- Cost Center Required for Sessions: Require or make Cost Centers optional for sessions
- GL Required for Locations: Require or make GL codes optional for Locations
- GL Required for Facilities: Choose to make GL codes optional or required for Facilities
- Cost Center Required for Facilities: Require a Cost Center to be selected for Facilities
- GL Required for POS Items: Require or make a GL code optional for POS items
- GL Required for Addons: Make GL codes required or optional for Addons
- GL Required for Discounts: Make GL codes required or optional for Discounts
- Custom Fields For Accounts: Choose if you would like custom user fields to show on the user edit screen or on a separate screen
- Custom Fields Verbiage: Add the title for custom fields on the profile screen
- Daily Cash Register Close-Out Mode: Set the daily cash register close-out mode for employees. If you wish to only allow staff with specific permissions to close out, select the "Employees Do Not Close Out Tills/Registers" option.
- Enrollment Counts on Registration Screen: Set enrollment counts to show to internal teams or the public; this allows users to see how many spots are left for a program on the Catalog
- Multiple-Discount Calculation (3.0): Choose an option for applying percentages for multiple discounts at the same time
- Optional Message For Emailed Receipts: Compose a special message to go with emailed receipts
- Optional Message For Refund Receipts: Compose a special message to go with refund receipts
- Reported Location for Refunds: This setting is for receipts and reporting purposes, choose to associate refunds with the logged-in location or the location of the original change
- Convenience Fees Reported Payment Type Distribution: Select default behavior (even distribution) or distribute 100% to the corresponding payment type for convenience fees
- Allow Refund of User Credit to Credit/Debit (Online User Credit Conversion): Enable or disable user credit conversions
- Allow Same-Day Refund Attempt (For Payment Gateways That Settle Same-Day): Choose whether or not you allow same-day refund attempts (dependent on merchant settings)
- CC Refunds/Credit Conversion - Max CC Charge Age in Days: This setting filters out transactions we know we cannot refund, based on the merchant, and is typically set to 120 days
- Bad Payment Reversal Behavior: Set the bad payment behavior to reverse funds and create balance (default) or to have no financial impact (balance only)
- Custom Receipt/Email Header: Add a custom header for receipts and emails
- Receipt Format: Select the format for receipt templates
- Cash Format (Registration Page): Choose a Standard (example $45.00) or Basic (example $45 or $45.25) format for how prices display on the catalog
- Thermal Receipt Copies: Choose to always print the customer copy and merchant copies on thermal receipts or to only print the merchant copy for debit/credit transactions
- Thermal Receipt Payment Types: Print thermal receipts for all payment types or for credit/debit only
- Thermal Receipt Prompting: Set the printing option for thermal receipts
- Comment Field On Public Checkout: Enable or disable a comment field on the public checkout screen
- Show Staff Name on Permits and Receipts: Choose to show or hide staff names on permits/receipts
- Print Revenue Codes on Receipts: Enable or disable the printing of GL revenue codes on receipts
- Print Prompt Responses on Receipts: Set whether a user's prompt responses should show on receipts
- Print Waivers on Activity Receipts: Include or hide waivers on activity receipts
- Print Waivers on Reservation Receipts: Select to include or hide waivers on facility reservation receipts
- Always Default to Paper Waivers on Internal Checkout: Choose if paper waivers are always the default option on internal transactions
- Waiver timing for waiting list sign-ups: Decide if waivers should be sent before a user is added to a waitlist, when they're added to the waitlist, or when a waitlisted participant is enrolled
- In-House Waiver Agreement Process: Choose to email waivers sent for participants to agree (recommended) or allow staff to flag waivers as agreed (not recommended)
- In-House Waiver Signature: Allow or remove the option for in-house waiver signatures. If you allow in-house waivers you must also set the In-House Waiver Agreement Process to allow staff to flag waivers as agreed.
- Online Waiver Signature: Allow or remove the option for online waiver signatures
- Membership Card Dimensions: Decide if membership cards will have a standard or alternate tall size
- Membership Check-In Behavior: When more than one valid membership exists, choose whether to use the membership that expires first or the one that expires last during check-in
- Always Auto-Checkin First Exact Match for Valid Membership If Possible: If you select Yes (default), the system will automatically check-in the first valid exact-matching membership for a member number. If you select No, it will simply list the memberships and automatic check-in will not happen for membership scans.
- Enforce Membership Schedules for Check-In: If enabled, a user will only be able to check in for a membership at a time that aligns with the membership schedule
- Enforce Membership Expirations for Punch Cards: If this setting isn't enabled then the "Terminate Membership" button, in the View/Print Membership settings, will not expire the punch card
- Validate Dates on Ticket Check-ins: Validates that the date on a ticket matches the date of the event in Recreation Management when checking in
- Prevent membership check-in for members with past due account balance: If enabled, a member with a past due account balance would not be able to check in
- Membership Profile Version: This should always be set to Version 2
- Membership Renewal - Default Member Number: Choose whether memberships can reuse member numbers from the same package/session or any package/session in the same membership activity
- Allow retroactive start dates (Fixed payment date): Select to enable fixed payment dates for memberships
- Auto-populate cart user upon check-in: If enabled, when a staff member is in the catalog and checks a user in, that user’s name will be auto-filled into the catalog account field
- Display Activity Images on Catalog (3.0): If enabled, images uploaded to an activity will display on the catalog
- Show Activity Schedules on Receipts For: Select the items that should have activity schedules displayed on receipts
- Public Users Login Destination: Decide if public users will be directed to the catalog or home page upon login
- Allow Limited Public User Accounts: Choose to allow Limited Public Users, which is an account type that allows users to be set up in Recreation Management but not have login access from the public page or the ability to manage their account
- Participant Data Viewable by Instructors: Select the items you wish instructors to have access to for participants on the public view
- Participant Data Viewable by Coaches: Choose the fields that can be viewed by coaches for participants on the public view
- Emergency Contact Expiration Frequency: Decide if emergency contacts never expire or if they expire 6, 12, or 24 months after a user has added them to their account
- Number of Emergency Contacts Required: Select the number of emergency contacts a user is required to have listed on their account
- User Fields Visible on Permits: Choose to have a user's address and/or phone display on permits
- User Fields Visible on Receipts: Choose to have a user's address and/or phone display on receipts
- Membership Card Printing: Select if you want the membership photo to print on the card
- Hide Comment Box (On Payment Page) From Public: If you do not wish to give the public the option to submit a comment from the payment page, select to hide this option here
- Session/Program Code Usage: Select whether or not you will be using session/activity codes
- Session Code Incrementing (Brochure Barcodes): If your organization uses session codes, decide if you want the system to create session codes for you or if you want to set them yourself
- We can reuse session/program codes: This will allow you to retain session codes between years
- Max waiting list entries: Set the maximum number of waitlist entries you allow for a session
- Team Roster Invitation Email: Allow team roster email invites from team captains or coaches
- League Module - Team Portals: Enable or disable Team Portals in League Management
- League Module - Team Portal - Show Team Rosters: Choose whether or not to show Team Rosters on the team portal page (coaches will still be able to see their own rosters)
Require Card Code: Depending on the merchant, you may or may not require the card code to be entered at checkout
Note: This option is only relevant for customers who are not using CivicPlus Pay.
- Save Card On File Checkbox, Default Checked: If enabled, the Save Card option will automatically be selected on the payment screen (this option is dependent on the merchant account settings)
- Show Cancelled Programs in Catalog: Select to show canceled activities/sessions in the catalog
- QuickPay in Catalog (3.0 Only): Allow users to checkout using the Quick Pay screen in the catalog
- Auto-Add Past Due Balances To Internal Cart: If enabled, a user's past due balances will automatically be added to their cart
- Generate Permits for All Admin Bookings: If selected, permits will auto-generate for admin reservations
- Show Employee Contact Info on Permits: Choose to show contact information for the department or the employee on permits
- Show Location Address on Permits (When single location): If enabled, the facility location will display on the permit
- Include Payments/Charges on Permits: Select whether or not to show fees/amount paid on a permit
- Unbilled Permit Estimate Verbiage: Specify the language for unbilled permit estimates
- Enable Permit Footer (shows page # and line for customer initials): Display a footer on permits
- Permit Email Policy: Choose how you wish to email permits to users
- "Available Times" Display in Catalog: Decide if you want to show the Available Times option in the catalog for each rate type, distinct timeframes only, or to not display
- Reply-To Email For Bulk Emails: Enter the address you wish to use as the reply-to email when sending mass emails
- Enable Social Networking Features: Decide if you wish to enable or disable sharing to social media
- Show Logo on Printed Reports: If selected, your organization logo will display on printed reports
- Hide Filter Descriptions on Printed Reports: Choose to hide the filters in the top right corner of printed reports
- Show User Flags on Public Dashboard: If selected, a user's account flags will display on their public dashboard
- Show Scholarship Funds on Public Dashboard: Give public users the ability to see their scholarship funds on the Scholarships tab of their dashboard
- Show Activity/Class Prices on Instructor Contracts: Choose whether or not you wish to display the costs of activity sessions on instructor contracts
- Show Session Codes on Instructor Contracts: Display the codes for the session an instructor is teaching on their contract
- Avatar Uploading/Editing on Public User Dashboard: If enabled, public users can change their avatar on their account dashboard
- Check-In InstantScan (Requires Recreation Management Tray App): Select to enable InstantScan on the check-in screen
- Barcode Scanner Enable Auto Detect (Browser Only/Keyboard Emulation): Enable the auto detect barcode scanning function
- Barcode Scanner Start Sentinel/Char Code (default: "STX" 2): Enter the STX code for your scanner, this is usually "2"
- Barcode Scanner End Sentinel/Char Code (default: "ETX" 3): Enter the ETX code for your scanner, this is usually "3"
- GateKicker Enabled for Checkins: If using a Gatekicker device, select to use it with the check-in option
Gatekicker COM Port: Key in the appropriate COM port for your Gatekicker device
- Note: If the COM port is unknown you can use your computer's “Device Manager” to identify the COM port at which Gatekicker is located.
- Gatekicker Time (in seconds): This setting allows you to set with your Gatekicker device how long to unlock the door
- Prevent Public User Account Creation: Check this box to remove the ability for public users to create an account
- Open drawer for payment type: Select the types of payments your cash drawer will open for
Invoicing Settings for Definitions
Auto-Invoicing Module: Enable auto-invoicing to allow the system to automatically send email notifications to users who have balances due
Days in advance of due date to invoice: Set the number of days in advance of a payment due date to auto-invoice a user
Invoiced Item Types: Choose the items that can be invoiced through Recreation Management
Optional Message For Upcoming Invoices: Enter a message to be sent for upcoming invoices
Optional Message For Overdue Invoices: Create a message to send with overdue invoices
Settings Best Practices
Provided below are the recommended settings for the most commonly adjusted Organization Options. This is not a comprehensive list of all available settings, just the ones that are frequently changed by Recreation Management users.
General Settings for Best Practices
Setting | Best Practice |
Grade Requirement | Set to Required if programs are based on grades (best practice; adjust to preferred setting) |
Restrict Grade Editing for Public Users | Set to Restrict Grade Editing (best practice if Grade Requirement is enabled) |
Automatically Increment grades each year | Set to Yes (best practice if Grade Requirement is enabled) |
Allow Google/Facebook Login | Set to No (this setting results in half-complete accounts) |
Require Account Holder to be Adult | Set to Yes (best practice) |
Account Member Birthdate | Set to Required (preferred; adjust to preferred setting) |
Use Inclusive Gender Options | Set to Enabled (preferred; adjust to preferred setting) |
Min and Max Ages | Set based on your operation’s thresholds (preferred; adjust to preferred setting) |
Show Recent Viewed Accounts | Set to Enabled (preferred; adjust to preferred setting) |
Phone 1 | Set to Required (best practice; adjust to preferred setting) |
Verified Age - Alternate to DOB in User Accounts | Set to Disabled (best practice) |
General Ledger Accounting Method | Set to Cash or Accrual (best practice; adjust to preferred setting) |
Overpayment Revenue Code | Set to Account Credit GL Codes (best practice; select a Liability GL code) |
Only Session Admins May Edit | Set to Disabled (preferred; set based on quality control needs) |
GL Required for Sessions | Set to Required (best practice) |
GL Required for Activities | Set to Optional (preferred; adjust to preferred setting) |
GL Required for Locations | Set to Optional (preferred; adjust to preferred setting) |
GL Required for Facilities | Set to Required (best practice) |
GL Required for POS | Set to Required (best practice) |
GL Required for Add-ons | Set to Optional (preferred; adjust to preferred setting) |
GL Required for Discounts | Set to Optional (preferred; adjust to preferred setting) |
Reported Location for Refunds | Set based on your operation's reporting requirements (best practice, adjust to preferred setting) |
Allow Refund of User Credit to Credit/Debit (Online User Credit Conversion) | Set based on your operation’s refund policies (preferred; adjust to preferred setting) |
Bad Payment Reversal Behavior | Set to Reverse Funds and Create Balance (Default) (best practice; adjust to preferred setting) |
Thermal Receipt Copies | Set to Print customer and merchant copies (preferred; adjust to preferred setting) |
Thermal Receipts Payment types | Set to Print for all payment types (preferred; adjust to preferred setting) |
Thermal Receipts Prompting | Set based on our operation's cash operating procedures (preferred; adjust to preferred setting) |
Print Waivers on Activity Receipt | Set based on legal counsel preferences (preferred; adjust to preferred setting) |
Print Waivers on Reservation Receipts | Set based on legal counsel preferences (preferred; adjust to preferred setting) |
Prevent memberships check-in for members with past due account balance | Set to Yes (best practice; adjust to preferred setting) |
Display Activity Images on Catalog | Set based on usage of images in your Activity List (preferred; adjust to preferred setting) |
Allow Limited Public User Accounts | Set to Yes (best practice; for customers without an email address) |
Participant Data Viewable by Instructors | Make applicable selections (preferred; adjust to preferred setting) |
Participant Data Viewable by Coaches | Make applicable selections (preferred; adjust to preferred setting) |
Number of Emergency Contacts Required | Set to 1 (best practice; adjust to preferred number) |
Membership Card Printing | Set based on department requirement for pictures on membership cards (preferred; adjust to preferred setting) |
Session/Program Code Usage | Set based on program reporting/operational requirements (preferred; codes are not required in Recreation Management ) |
Auto-Add Past Due Balances to Internal Cart | Set to Yes (best practice; adjust to preferred setting) |
Permit Email Policy | Set to Email with receipt only after fully paid (best practice; adjust to preferred setting) |
Enable Social Networking Features | Set to Yes (best practice; adjust to preferred setting) |
Show Scholarship Funds on Public Dashboard | Set to Yes (preferred; adjust to preferred setting) |
Avatar Uploading/Editing on Public Page | Set to Disabled (preferred; adjust to preferred setting) |
Check-In InstantScan (Requires Recreation Management Tray App) | Set based on check-in policies for your department’s operation (preferred; adjust to preferred setting) |
Invoice Settings for Best Practices
- Review all settings and set based on your operation’s invoice best practices
Super Admin Only Settings
Only CivicPlus staff have access to these settings. Please work with your Implementation Consultant or Support to configure the following.
Setting | Best Practice |
3.0 Auto-Billing Cronjob | Set to Enabled (best practice, even if not using it now. This setting applies to memberships, payment plans, and the A/R Center) |
iPad Default View | Set to Desktop App (preferred; adjust to preferred setting) |
Default Gift Card Behavior | Set to Claim Gift Card (best practice; adjust to preferred setting) |
Lighting Integration | Set to Enabled if your operation has paid for the Musco or Skylogix Integration (required if purchased) |
Enable Document Types | Set to Yes if you have purchased Document Management (required if purchased) |
Public SSO | Set to Enabled. |
In-Article Glossary
Review the Help Center Glossary, a comprehensive explanation of the acronyms, abbreviations, and company-specific terminology. The terms located in this section are listed alphabetically:
- Admin: Administrator
- CC: Credit Card
- DOB: Date of Birth
- GL: General Ledger
- Rec: Recreation Management
- SSO: Single Sign On
- Activate GL Configuration Settings
- Automatic Increment Grades
- Change Settings of Bad Payment Reversal Behavior
- Configure Instructor Roster View & Participant Information
- Disable E-Waiver Support
- Enable Punch Card Expiration
- Enable Retroactive Start Dates
- Maximum Credit Card Charge Age
- Retain Session Codes Between Years
- Set Emergency Contact Requirements
- Set General Ledger Accounting Method
- Set Reported Location for Refunds
- Turn On/Off Grade Requirement
- Turn Off Social Media Share Settings
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