This article will show you how to create a Facility. Facilities are rooms, fields, or any other designated area that users can rent or reserve.
Before creating a facility, you must first create a location.
- Navigate to Facilities > Facility List
- Select Create Facility
- Fill in fields
- Basics:
- Facility Name (required): Enter a descriptive name for the facility
- Color: Use the palette or enter a Hex color code to choose a color that will display on the catalog
- Note: If a color does not meet the minimum contrast to be accessible by all, a message will appear. You can click OK to continue with the color but it will not be ADA compliant.
- Note: If a color does not meet the minimum contrast to be accessible by all, a message will appear. You can click OK to continue with the color but it will not be ADA compliant.
- Location (required): Select a location from the dropdown that the facility will be assigned to
- Receipt Template: Choose a receipt template to display on transactions
- Code: Assign a code to the facility
- Survey Template: Choose a survey template
- Survey Timing: Send the survey on a specific day before or after the rental date
- Description: Use the text box to enter a brief description of the facility; this will show on the catalog view
- Rental Options: Set rental options for this facility
- Admin Approval: Check if only department admins can approve rentals made by other staff or the public
- Online Rental Mode: Choose a public/online permissions level for rentals
- Note: When public/online users are renting, you may subject their rental to approval by internal staff. Payment will not be allowed at that time. Upon approval, customers can come online and pay their balance. Any staff member with permission can approve rentals. Use the setting above if only an admin should be allowed to approve rentals. The setting above overrides this one.
- Generate Permit: Check to generate a permit upon reservation
- Allow Public Cancellations: Check to allow public users to refund their reservation(s) in the current facility
- Note: View Set Up Public Reservation Cancellations and Fees for more information.
- Allow Public Rental Adjustments: Select to allow public users to adjust their reservation(s) in the current facility
- Rental Adjustment Time: Public users will not be able to adjust reservations within the specified number of days
- Note: This will attach a time frame restriction to the rental adjustment policy for the public user.
- Rental Adjustment Time: Public users will not be able to adjust reservations within the specified number of days
- Allow Recurring Reservations: Check to allow users to make recurring reservations for this facility
- Online Payment: Select an online payment option
- Inhouse Payment: Select in-house (office) payment availability
- Return Email: Enter an optional reply-to email address on emailed receipts for online transactions
- Block Child Facilities: If checked, when this facility is reserved any child facilities it has will be reserved with it
- Balance Due Date: Defaults the balance due date to a specified number of days before or after the rental date
- Note: If left blank, the due date will be the date of the reservation. Learn more about Balance Due Dates.
- Custom "Days Out" Message: Create a custom message displayed to users when the facility isn't available due to the "days out" setting
- Custom "Unavailable" Message: Create a custom message displayed to users when the facility is booked/unavailable
- Custom "In-House-Only" Message: Create a custom message displayed to users when the facility isn't available to rent online
- Rental Rules: Enter any rules for rentals using the text box, these will be viewable on the Catalog
- Post-Rental Buffer: Blocks an amount of time (in minutes) after a facility reservation
- Min. Days Out: Enter the minimum number of days in advance a user can reserve this facility online
- Max Days Out: Add the maximum number of days in advance a resident can reserve this facility; 0 or blank is unlimited
- Start Time Increments: Increment between available start times in minutes (default is 30)
- Open Time (Residents): The time of day reservations are open for residents; this setting works with the min/max days out settings
- Open Time (Non-Residents): The time of day reservations are open for non-residents; this setting works with the min/max days out settings
- Prompts: Select prompts that to associate with facility rental
- Tags: Select relevant tags
- Prompts: Choose prompts from the dropdown
- Waivers: Add any necessary waivers
- Attachments: Select attachments
- Access: Assign Admins who should receive an email notification when a customer reserves the facility
- Receipt: Add any special notes you want to appear on the receipts
- Child Facilities: Select facilities that need to link to this facility for booking purposes
- GL Codes: Assign one or more revenue (general ledger) codes to the rental fee
- Note: GL Codes must add up to 100%.
- Addons/Discounts: Select addons or discounts you want to apply
- Gallery: Allows the public to view images of the facility prior to renting
- Note: The ideal size for the gallery inside a facility is 1000x750 pixels (close to 200 KB).
- Basics:
- Select Save New Facility
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